I Miss

2002. Single-channel video, 11:10 mins

For I Miss, Ben Judd videod trainspotters at Doncaster station in the north of England. As a station where lots of train lines converge, Doncaster is also a place where men of all ages converge to document the continuous arrival and departure of trains. The obsession of collecting is a seemingly unusual and misunderstood activity.

The men who photograph and record the numbers of trains are perhaps trying to create order in a largely uncontrollable world. By engaging in an endless activity that has no discernible beginning or end, they are involved in a contradictory practice that is both a hobby and an obsession, is both meaningful and meaningless, and which both connects them with a group and isolates them from the world. Within the transitory space of the train station, rivalries and competitiveness can also be seen amongst the trainspotters.

Judd’s peripheral position mirrored that of the trainspotters, both connected to the group through the act of videoing and marginalised by his position as an observer of the group.