Concerning the Difference Between the Delights of Pleasure and True Happiness
2010. Performance and video, 38:00 mins
The performance Concerning the Difference Between the Delights of Pleasure and True Happiness was Ben Judd’s contribution to a group exhibition Fourteen Interventions at Swedenborg House, London. The Swedenborg Society is an organisation dedicated to the writing of the 18th century scientist and mystic Emanuel Swedenborg. Judd’s performance and subsequent video was in response to an invitation to explore the diverse but interrelated notions of belief, spirit and archive.
Judd’s work continued his exploration of extending the ritualistic activities of groups and individuals into an action realised by actors and how, in turn, this action can be interpreted in a moving image work. It used performers embedded in the audience in a séance-like arrangement, reciting text from Swedenborg’s prose in an increasingly ecstatic cycle of spoken and sung phrases. Swedenborg, a scientist who became a mystic, embodied the conflation of the empirical with the unknown or invisible. His (often outlandish) descriptions of his encounters with the spirit world are mediated through his earlier incarnation as a scientist. Otherworldly experiences, for example of a spirit existing in his foot, are therefore brought back down to the here and now, and are in turn physically relayed by the performers. Victorian magic lantern projections acted as ‘scientific’ metaphors for his encounters with the spirit world. The piece further explored the notion of the individual in relation to the group, and the ambiguity of whether the group offers freedom or conformity.
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Concerning the Difference Between the Delights of Pleasure and True Happiness: Excerpt
Concerning the Difference Between the Delights of Pleasure and True Happiness
2010. Performance and video, 38:00 mins
The performance Concerning the Difference Between the Delights of Pleasure and True Happiness was Ben Judd’s contribution to a group exhibition Fourteen Interventions at Swedenborg House, London. The Swedenborg Society is an organisation dedicated to the writing of the 18th century scientist and mystic Emanuel Swedenborg. Judd’s performance and subsequent video was in response to an invitation to explore the diverse but interrelated notions of belief, spirit and archive.
Judd’s work continued his exploration of extending the ritualistic activities of groups and individuals into an action realised by actors and how, in turn, this action can be interpreted in a moving image work. It used performers embedded in the audience in a séance-like arrangement, reciting text from Swedenborg’s prose in an increasingly ecstatic cycle of spoken and sung phrases. Swedenborg, a scientist who became a mystic, embodied the conflation of the empirical with the unknown or invisible. His (often outlandish) descriptions of his encounters with the spirit world are mediated through his earlier incarnation as a scientist. Otherworldly experiences, for example of a spirit existing in his foot, are therefore brought back down to the here and now, and are in turn physically relayed by the performers. Victorian magic lantern projections acted as ‘scientific’ metaphors for his encounters with the spirit world. The piece further explored the notion of the individual in relation to the group, and the ambiguity of whether the group offers freedom or conformity.